Monday, March 21, 2011

Multitude Monday

Do I get an A for effort? I know I'm not consistent every Monday...but I'm still going :o)

50. My husband who worked all weekend to install a new facet in the girl's bathroom and a new kitchen sink and facet for me in the kitchen
51. My "new to me" kitchen sink and beautiful new facet!
52. Clorox and Future wax -- my used sink looks pretty as new
53. Joeleen
54. Communion
55. 50% off my new George Foreman grill--for a total cost of two dollars and fifty cents
56. Mondays, get to work on my BSF lesson for the kids and clean house
57. My broke down car
58. New Mexico skies, weather, scenery, everything!
59. Amara and Christina are getting a fun vacation and Auntie 'Chelle is getting to treat them
60. Our new camper
61. taxes are done and turned into the accountant
62. warm home and good food
63. my grandparents
64. BSF
65. the Bible
66. Christian brothers and sisters who are awesome writers and write great devotions and encouraging words in books and in blogs and newsletters
67. My brothers James and Jeff who both turned another year older this month.
68. My Aunt Myrna who knows how to see the good in all things and over look the bad
69. Mom
70. Finding Jesus in the book of Isaiah
71. Amara comes home in a few days
72. Peace of God

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